Today’s Washday


Scalp Massage with oil using fingertips and then using a scalp massage brush.

In Shower

Double cleansed using Olaplex shampoo. Then used Briogeo hair mask.

Styling Post-Shower

Applied Olaplex bond smoothing leave-in (the best for frizz). I spread it first using hands and then I brush it in with wet brush.

Sectioned off, then applied a tiny bit of curl cream to smaller sections and follow with Denman brush to create clumps.

Finished off with a little curl talk gel (also very good at taming frizz) then scrunched.

Used duck clips to set middle part & then air dried.

Once hair is completely dry, I use a little ghost oil to scrunch out hair and fluff it.

For those asking, yes, I’ll post a washday video soon, promise. :)