As most of you may know, we purchased our first home last year & while we are very excited and grateful to have a place of our own, we did have to put all of our beloved traveling aside and focus on turning our little house into a home. We did not travel at all in 2017, I truly think it's one of the only years I didn't go on some kind of trip (first world problems, I know) and while I was happy to be home I really missed the smell of new grounds.Colorado has always been on my list of places to visit, everyone has always told me " If you really want to see snow, go to Colorado" & I am so glad I did. It really is true, I have never seen that much snow in my life, it was truly magical. Everywhere we went, it was so scenic, whether there was snow or not, the views were breathtaking.
We flew to Denver and drove a couple of hours to our cabin located in Fairplay, we got to Denver very early so even though the drive was long we were able to appreciate the entire day and the drive was beautiful. Our cabin was secluded from everything and it sat in between the most stunning snow-filled woods, when it wasn't snowing, you could see the mountains from a distance through the ceiling-high windows, it was the best view to wake up to.The entrance of the cabin was a down-hill road (pictured above) which made the perfect slope for sledding.
On our second day it snowed while we were on our way to Breckenridge, we were so excited we stopped the car to take pictures. ( Much more excited than I look in this picture, I promise. )
The first activity we did was snowmobiling, I didn't take any pictures while doing it because I was too busy filming with my go-pro and figuring out ways to do so without having my hands literally freeze off, so here is a picture I took of the pups ready to take people for some dog sledding before our tour started. We opted not to do dog sledding because snowmobiling was funner in our opinion and even though these dogs REALLY seemed like they loved pulling I just couldn't bring myself to have them pull me around for fun so we just pet them and they were the friendliest.The day after we did snowmobiling we did some tubing in Frisco adventure park, again, I captured most of that day on video so I didn't really take a lot of pictures, you're probably wondering why we didn't ski & we all decided that paying almost 200 dollars was just not worth it, we preferred spending our money discovering/driving to new places.
Nothing like a good ol llama visit, these little guys were just up the road from our cabin so we stopped to say hi and they were seriously just the cutest.
I think that one of the highlights of the trip for me was visiting Twin Lakes and walking on my first, and probably last, frozen lake. The only reason I would even do such a thing ( even though it has always been on my bucket list) is because there was a bunch of people riding their ATVs and dirt bikes all over the lake so I figured, if it can hold that kind of weight then it can hold me. I am so glad I did it, it was such an amazing experience. The views were something out of a movie, none of the pictures I took truly do the scenery any justice.
After out visit to Twin Lakes, we spontaneously decided to drive 40 more miles to Aspen. We all felt like a Colorado trip wouldn't really be a Colorado trip if we didn't visit Aspen, so we jumped the gun and started driving. The trip there was STUNNING, I live for these kinds of views, I kept telling everyone to " take it all in."
Again, too busy taking videos and forgot to take pictures but here is one of a bar we visited in Aspen called Hooch, we were the only people there because it was superbowl Sunday and this bar didn't have any TVs but I really liked the ambience and the beer was really good. We then decided to go to a sports bar to watch the game & it was a good time.When we left the bar it was already almost 9 pm (big mistake). The drive back to the cabin was about 3 hours and a half and I wanted to die, I had a mixture of car sickness, altitude sickness, claustrophobia & major anxiety from being in the car for so long at night while there was a blizzard outside but all in all I think the drive TO Aspen was one worth taking and we did have fun while we were there.
On our last day we woke up to so much snow fall! It was so beautiful, we really didn't want to leave, everything was so white and fluffy.Overall, I really enjoyed my trip, I had a great time with great people and I definitely recommend a visit to Colorado, especially if you have never experienced a WHITE winter, this wasn't my first time seeing snow but it was definitely the best snow experience I've had. I loved every place we visited and the scenery was amazing almost everywhere we turned.