
This brand represents everything I believe in when it comes to beauty... less is more. Prior to discovering Glossier I use to have a ridiculous skincare routine. I was using products that were too abrasive on my very dry, very sensitive skin.  I use to have slight eczema, a lot of redness and texture and ever since I simplified my skincare and beauty regimen my skin changed for the better.

I have a skincare routine which you can find HERE where I go in depth on all of the products I use during the day and at night & while it may still seem like a lot to some, it's nothing compared to what it use to be.

I use the milky jelly cleanser religiously now (more than I did when I made that video) and it's just one of those reliable cleansers that you put on when your skin has been freaking out & you know that this is what will bring it back to normal, it really does condition my skin & make it look and feel so healthy and plump.

I've also tried their haloscopes (video where I use them HERE) and lip balm which I absolutely love as well.

I am happy to say I am now a rep for Glossier, there's nothing better than representing a company that you truly, 100% believe in... I would never represent a brand if I felt otherwise but you know what I mean! It's just so much easier to talk about products that you've tried for extended periods of time & continuously genuinely love.

Shop with me HERE! & receive 20% off your first order plus free shipping on orders over $30.

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