Let's Get Organized
I like to keep things as simple, minimal, organized and as controlled as I possibly can.. With makeup however, my collection is far from minimal so the only thing one can really do once minimalism is out of the equation, and you've cleaned out everything that is expired/unusable, is organize and TRY to control yourself by omitting from buying things you don't need.. ( I couldn't be more of a hypocrite for saying that but maybe putting it into words & re-reading this shit will help me take my own advice & convince me once & for all that I DO NOT need another nude lipstick or neutral eyeshadow.)
I am not the most organized OCD person on this planet (not that there is anything wrong with that) but I just truthfully function 100% better when things are structured in some way. Recently, I needed to move all of my makeup into my room and out of my bathroom and decided to buy the very popular Ikea Alex drawer unit (last picture shows the inside of the drawers divided w/ containers from the Container store) in order to organize all of it within my closet. I don't consider my collection to be huge compared to other people's but I do think it is a lot more than anyone would ever need & I admit it may be getting a little out of hand & I am fully aware that I may have a bit of a problem... but I'm okay with it, it isn't hurting anyone and it isn't a heroin addiction... so yes, I'm okay with it. Anywho, after organizing everything within my closet I was keeping my day-to-day makeup inside of my makeup bag to prevent from having to pull things out of each drawer within my closet daily.
I found that not a lot of my makeup was being used this way and I needed to come up with a new strategy in order to facilitate the rotation of the things that I use ( & organize even more -.-). Since I get ready on my desk, I decided to re-locate the stationary from my top drawer and replace it with my daily makeup or things that I want to use. This helps me see everything and reach for things more. I bought containers from muji and organized everything by category and in the order that I apply. I make it a point to switch out as much of the makeup from these containers as I can on a weekly basis and It really has helped me go through a lot more of it and re-discover things that I already had. I also cleaned the wax out of a burned out Diptyque candle that I loved and a bath and body works candle and used them both as brush holders along with a mason jar, the acrylic container above my desk is from the Container store & I use it to display some of my fave/ prettiest products.
Ikea Drawers | Muji Containers
Spring Cleaning
Springggg is coming and I don’t know what that means for youbut for me it means it’s almost my birthday. Butaside from turning 22 and all that jazz it is also a month for getting rid ofthings and starting fresh (spring cleaning, I guess). Every year around thistime I clean out my closet and either donate or sell clothes that I no longerwear. After doing this for a while now I’ve realized that it is pointless tofollow crazy trends and have chosen to gravitate toward a more classic/timelesswardrobe. I’ve also realized that quality is important and it is smarter to investin timeless pieces that will last you a long time as opposed to cheaper clothesthat will only sustain a couple of washes. Here is a list of things that Ibelieve any wardrobe should have at all times, “the staples.” (Just the clothesbecause we don’t want to be here all day.)
- Plain white, black & grey t-shirt.
- A pair of dark blue jeans, a pairof light blue jeans, and a pair of black jeans.
- Some kind of leather accent, idcif this is considered a trend or not, leather stays. Be it a jacket, skirt, leggings,a shirt; leather will make any outfit.
- White, black or nude evening blouse.
- Any form fitting dress.
- Jean jacket or jean button-downshirt.
- A pair of Jeans shorts.
- Cashmere sweater.
- Black skirt.
- Black capri pant.
- A wool coat.