A Much Needed Mini Getaway
Usually, I don’t have a problem staying home…
I love being home but I think that I speak for all of us when I say that I just couldn’t take it anymore. Roger & I started looking into places nearby that we could drive to, first we were thinking about going on a road trip out of state but decided to leave that for another time. We were so happy that we came across an island called Little Gasparilla which is just a 3 hour drive from where we live.
I’ve been wanting to stay at a beach house for some time now and most of the places that I came across were pretty far from Miami so we were both pleasantly surprised by this hidden gem.
Get you a man that will collect seashells for your dumb instagram pictures :) Here I was laying on the beach, like a washed up sea lion, with seashells on my leg waiting for him to bring me more cool ones in order to take the first picture you saw in this post.
I have never seen so many sea shells on a beach before. Every time the waves would retreat back into the ocean you’d hear such a beautiful sound. The sound of the shells gently clashing against each other, it was so therapeutic. I never knew I needed to hear a sound like that but I’m so glad that I did. We took a long walk and both sat down near the shore and just listened.. I can’t express how much more I’ve learned, or should I say, been forced to learn how to appreciate things like this.
There are no bridges to the island so in order to get there you either have to take your own boat or book a water taxi which can get a bit pricey if you’re planning on getting off the island throughout your stay. If you search Little Gasparilla Island on airbnb, almost all of the houses are on the beach (like the one that we stayed in) but even the inland houses are pretty cool. Most of them also have their own private boat docks and golf carts.
We had a great time but some suggestions would be to make sure you take bug repellent and long sleeves. Walking to the beach during or after sunset was nearly impossible because of the noseeums.. but they only really come out during the late afternoon. However, the mosquitos are out all day so if you’re planning on roaming around the island and aren’t near the beach during the day, take your repellent with you!
Taking a small trolly would also be helpful since you have to take all of your bags with you on the boat & since there is no garbage pick-up service on the island you also have to take your trash off of the island with you.
Overall, it’s a great place to visit & we can’t wait to be able to take our family & friends next time.
If you aren’t subscribed to my YouTube channel, be sure to do so if you’d like to see more of our trip in my next vlog. :)